Protocol for Major Events

If you wish to organise an International Cadet World Championship you may download a special document that the ICC has compiled: Protocol for Major Events including World, Continental and Regional Championships (version August 2023).
This Protocol contains everything you need to know to set up a successful event. If you need further information please don’t hesitate to contact our Secretariat. Please note that the Protocol document is updated regularly without prior notice due to current developments and conditions on the ground. The latest version is available on this page.
The Executive Committee of the ICC is seeking expressions of interest in hosting the class’s World Championships in 2025 and 2026. To express your NCC’s interest please fill out our Expression of Interest form and return by (date and form to follow)!
New Model Buoyancy Card

The new model Buoyancy Card (issue 2017) can be ordered from the Secretariat by National Cadet Class (NCC) secretaries. They cost €2.00* apiece and are generally sold by your NCC for €5.00.
Please note: change of ownership of the boat invalidates this certificate and the new owner should at once, in his own interest, advise his NCC, who will issue a new certificate.
*) Excluding shipping costs.
World Sailing Plaque

When a Cadet is built and measured for the first time it will receive its official World Sailing Plaque (see photo). This plaque is affixed in the boat and should be plainly visible. These plaques can be obtained by boat builders from the Secretariat at a rate of €60, the price of which is determined by the General Assembly (August 2017). Plaques are not sold to individual sailors or parents.
If the plaque is missing, a replacement plaque (a so called “R” Plaque issued by World Sailing) must be obtained from the Secretariat through your National Cadet Class. An “R” Plaque costs €50*.
Please read the Class Rules on this subject: A.9 INTERNATIONAL CLASS FEE AND ISAF BUILDING PLAQUE.
*) Excluding shipping costs.
Sail Labels

Certified sails shall have an official International Cadet Class button or label (for example the well-known green button, left) fixed to the mainsail and headsail near the tack, and the spinnaker near the head, before the sail is certified.
Currently, started at the Cadet World Championship 2022 in Australia, the Class issues numbered, blue sail labels for new sails (a specimen is shown here). These sail labels are self adhesive—made from the same material as sail numbers—and should be stitched as well to avoid loss. The ICCA keeps a record of sail labels issued. Through the numbers we can trace sails back to the sailmaker and the certifying measurer.
Sail labels can only be obtained by sailmakers and NCCAs from the Secretariat at €20* apiece, the price of which is determined by the General Assembly (August 2017). Sail labels are not sold to individual sailors or parents.
Please read the Class Rules on the subject: G.2.3 ROYALTY LABEL OR BUTTON.
The ICCA was one of the early adopters of World Sailing’s In House Certification (IHC) program. For sailors this means they can buy certified equipment, knowing it is ready to race. More information on participating sailmakers can be found here. The ICCA of course also caters to the needs of non-IHC sailmakers. Traditionally these sailmakers have a working relationship with local or national measurers to get the sails properly certified.
To answer a popular question: no, we do not certify sails at “measurement” at a World Championship. This form of “measurement” is in fact equipment control: sails and other equipment is checked whether it complies with the class rules. For sails this means that the sails are certified, that they comply with the correct measurements and that the sail numbers are applied correctly.
*) Excluding shipping and handling costs (currently [2024] at €20 per shipment).
Current Rule Change Proposals
Dear National Administrators and EXCOM Members,
The deadline for National Cadet Class Associations (“NCCAs”) to vote on this year’s (2019) Rule Change proposals has now passed and I can report on the result. Votes were cast by five NCCAs; BEL, CZE, GBR, GER and NED. Under Clause 12.4 of the Constitution, for a proposal to be carried it must be supported by two thirds of the votes cast.
Votes cast were as follows:
Proposal 1: About measuring a jib – jib dimensions
Votes For: 3 BEL, CZE, GER
Votes Against: 2 GBR, NED
Abstentions: None
Proposal 1 was defeated because less than two thirds of the votes cast were in favour.
Proposal 2: About identification on Sails
Votes For: 4 BEL, CZE, GBR, NED
Votes Against: None
Abstentions: 1 GER
Proposal 2 was carried because more than two thirds of the votes cast were in favour.
Proposal 3:To limit the number of cringles to one in each corner
Votes For: 3 BEL, CZE, GER
Votes Against: 2 GBR, NED
Abstentions: None
Proposal 3 was defeated because less than two thirds of the votes cast were in favour.
Proposal 4:To prevent a curve being put on the leech of the jib sail
Votes For: 3 BEL, CZE, GER
Votes Against: 2 GBR, NED
Abstentions: None
Proposal 4 was defeated because less than two thirds of the votes cast were in favour.
Proposal 2 covering Identification on Sails will now be referred to World Sailing for their consideration and approval. An announcement will be made if World Sailing approves this and the date on which it will take effect.
EXCOM will discuss at its meeting on 21st September 2019 how to proceed with the proposals that were defeated.
David Elliott
Executive Secretary
International Cadet Class Association
Measurement Forms

Current Measurement Forms
Since World Sailing is our official class rules authority the current measurement form can be viewed only through World Sailing’s website. Please note that your Cadet must at all times comply to the current class rules and measurement requirements.
Below you will find an historical listing of measurement forms since 2009.
Previous Measurement Forms
The measurement forms which were in effect from 1st December 2009 to 30th November
2010 can be found below.
Cadet Mark IV Specification & Measurement Form 1st Dec 2009
Cadet Mark III Measurement Form 1st Dec 2009
Cadet Mark II Measurement Form 1st Dec 2009
Read MoreTechnical Section

The Cadet is a one-design boat and therefore all Cadets have the same, strictly controlled, measurements. While material and appearance changed over time, the hull shape remained the same. Today, wooden MK II and GRP MK IV compete in the same races although at the most recent European Championship more than 90 percent of boats were GRP built. The boat itself is 3.2m long, weighs approximately 61 kg fully rigged and has a sail area of more than 5 square metres.
The current Measurement Forms have been made available in this Technical Section as well as a set of Cadet Drawings (the image at the bottom of this page shows a vintage drawing of a MK II wooden Cadet).
Sail emblem | |
![]() | |
Measurements | |
Length over all: | 3.22 m |
Beam: | 1.27 m |
Draft: | (without centerboard) 0.16 m |
Mast height: | 5.22 m |
Hull weight: | 54 kg |
Sail area | |
Mainsail: | 3.9 m² |
Jib: | 1.26 m² |
Spinnaker: | 4.25 m² |

2021 Cadet Open World Championship

Monday June 25, 2021 – UPDATE
PANDEMIC – Competitors should note that this event can be cancelled or postponed at any time and with very short notice. Neither the International Cadet Class Association, its officers and committee nor the host Club Fraglia Vela Riva will be responsible for any financial loss incurred as a result of the cancellation or postponement of this event. The International Cadet Class Association, its officers and committee or the host Club Fraglia Vela Riva will not be responsible for any adverse health outcomes associated with travel to or from this event or participation in this event. Competitors are strongly urged to seek their own medical advice and to monitor their national government’s health advice, that of the host country Italy and of any country through which competitors will be required to travel to attend the event.
The official Covid-19 updates from the Italian government can be found here.
Welcome to the dedicated page of the 2021 Cadet Open World Championship in Riva, Italy. In the coming weeks all important information about this event can be found here. A bit of history: up until 2012 all championships were organized by National Cadet Classes (NCCs), but in 2012 the International Cadet Class Association hosted its first ever self-organized European Championship (in Carnac, France), to be followed by a self-organized World Championship in 2015 in… Riva del Garda. Since then the ICC hoped that one day we would return to Fraglia Vela Riva on beautiful Lake Garda with its grand views, incredible sailing conditions and inimitable òra wind. Slated as a European Championship in 2020 preceding the Worlds in Australia due to Covid-19 it was decided to postpone to 2021 as an Open World Championship.

Fraglia della Vela Riva
Via Giancarlo Maroni 2
38066 Riva del Garda
The venue offers a host of amenities including: large boat park, car park, covered measurement area, two slipways, changing rooms, clubhouse with restaurant and bar, terraces with a breathtaking view and, last but not least, Riva del Garda’s old and picturesque city centre is within walking distance of the club with numerous shops, restaurants, bars, tour boats and several museums.
Federazione Italiana Vela

Our event, the 2021 Cadet Open World Championship, is placed on the official calendar of the Federazione Italiana Vela as published by the CONI, the Italian National Olympic Committee. Therefore it is deemed “of national importance”, which may help you in travelling to and within Italy. A copy of this official letter can be downloaded here.
The Federazione Italiana Vela, the Italian Yachting Union, has kindly granted us permission “that athletes can participate [in the Cadet Championship] according to the age rules of their respective Countries or Federations”.
The history to this permit: according to official Italian regulations (Italian) competitors under the age of 12 are not allowed to participate in a boat with a set of sails above a certain sail area. Kids of 6 years old may compete in an Optimist, but not in a Cadet. Hence the need for a special permit!
A copy of this permit will be posted on the official Notice Board.

Where are we? Riva del Garda—Riva for short—is located on the northern shore of Lake Garda, the largest lake in Italy. And because it’s so big the lake is located in three different provinces: Lombardia, Trentino-South Tirol and Veneto. Riva is up north in Trentino-South Tirol.
Friday 30 July up to and including Friday 6 August 2020.
Provisional Schedule:
Friday 30 July 2021 | 08:00 – 19:00 hrs | Registration & Measurement |
Saturday 31 July | 08:00 – 12:00 hrs | Registration & Measurement |
12:00 hrs | Competitor Briefing | |
14:00 hrs | Practise Race | |
17:00 hrs | [Opening Ceremony] | |
Sunday 1 August | 13:00 hrs | Racing – Day 1 |
Monday 2 August | TBC | Racing – Day 2 |
Tuesday 3 August | TBC | Racing – Day 3 |
Wednesday 4 August | Lay Day | |
Thursday 5 August | TBC | Racing – Day 4 |
Friday 6 August | TBC | Racing – Day 5 |
ASAP after Races | Prize presentations [& Closing Ceremony] |
Please note: all racing and timetable information is provisional hence subject to change.
Please note: our World Championships generally offer a training period prior to racing. In consultation with Fraglia Vela Riva the club does offer the possibility to bring your boat from 25 July to start training, but NOT earlier because another championship is hosted at the club previous to our event.
Notice of Race:
The Notice of Race is now available for download.
Please note: a Parent/Guardian Medical Response Information and Consent Form is an integral part of the Notice of Race and has to be presented, filled out and signed, at registration in Riva.

To make life a lot easier for both competitors and organizers we have made online Event Registration possible. After filling in all the requested answers you can submit your registration, after which you will receive an automated email at the email address supplied, with all the answers given as proof of entry.
Please note: most questions/answers are mandatory; without these you cannot register.
We suggest making a hardcopy (print) and bringing it to the event, just in case. This also goes for a proof of payment: make a hardcopy and bring it to the event.
Please be sure:
• to read and understand the Notice of Race (NOR) before you register;
• to pay for your entry fee in time (see details in the next section);
• to bring the original signed Parent/Guardian Medical Response Information and Consent Form to the event;
Online Entry for the event is now open. Please go to Event Registration.
Payment as specified in Section 4 of the Notice of Race (please mention country code, sailnumber and helm’s surname, e.g. “BEL 10055 Schoonooghe) must be made into either one of the following accounts:
International Cadet Class Association
Barclays Bank PLC
10 South Street
United Kingdom
IBAN Euro Account:
GB31 BARC 2026 6286 9543 99
IBAN Pound Sterling Account:
GB38 BARC 2026 6253 4287 45
Sort Code: 20 26 62
Account Number: 53428745
Sailing Instructions:
Will follow in due course.
Sailing Conditions:
Average summer temperature: min. 18°-30°C. Average water temperature: 23°C.
Prevailing Winds:
The ‘òra’ from the south which picks up around midday dropping at sunset. During summer it can bring gusts of around 20-24 knots to the race area causing the ‘venturi’ effect by funneling into the narrowest and most northerly part of Lake Garda (where we will be!). Windspeed 14-24 knots.
Charter Boats:
Cadet builder Blueblue is offering new high quality Cadets for charter at the event. Please contact them directly for more info:
Blueblue – contact Lukas Meyer at
These boats can generally be purchased after the event at a discount.

Support Boats:
Mechanically propelled boats are generally prohibited to sail on the northern part of Lake Garda. However, during the event a special permit to use such boats may be given (but only during racing hours; no sightseeing and no leisurely spins). All information regarding these permits and their rules and regulations can be found in the Notice of Race in due course. There is no limit to the number of permits given at the event, but the rules must be strictly observed at all times or the permit will be revoked or, worse, the police will give you a fine or seize your boat!
Please contact Fraglia Vela Riva directly for more information:
Cadet South-America Cup

Argentina, and Uruguay have launched a joint Cadet sailing competition to South-American waters in 2015. The Cadet Class Associations of these countries combined to create the Cadet South-America Cup.
The Cadet South-America Cup, or Sudamericano, is an open event and Cadets from any country are invited to compete. Next country to join will be Paraguay. And hopefully in the near future Chile and Cuba.
The photo shows the official poster of the Cadet South-America Cup 2015 in Paysandú, Uruguay. The event was earmarked “of National Interest” by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Affairs of Uruguay!
Central European Cadet Championship

The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia took the original initiative to launch a series of regattas bringing the joys of sail competition to Central European waters in 2005. The Cadet Class Associations of these four Central European countries combined to create the Central European Cadet Cup (CECC).
The inaugural year of the competition (2005) saw four regattas deciding the Central European Cadet Champion. Also up for grabs were the Women’s Champion and Junior Champion titles. The racing took place across weekends during the European spring, summer and early autumn, with each country hosting one regatta.
The competitions are open events and any Cadet from any country completing a CECC race is automatically registered as a CECC participant. The racing will be run on a high points scoring system with one discard at the end of the four race series.
Currently the CECC is hosted by the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany and many Cadet sailors from various surrounding countries take part in this well established and fun event.