Certified sails shall have an official International Cadet Class button or label (for example the well-known green button, left) fixed to the mainsail and headsail near the tack, and the spinnaker near the head, before the sail is certified.
Currently, started at the Cadet World Championship 2022 in Australia, the Class issues numbered, blue sail labels for new sails (a specimen is shown here). These sail labels are self adhesive—made from the same material as sail numbers—and should be stitched as well to avoid loss. The ICCA keeps a record of sail labels issued. Through the numbers we can trace sails back to the sailmaker and the certifying measurer.
Sail labels can only be obtained by sailmakers and NCCAs from the Secretariat at €20* apiece, the price of which is determined by the General Assembly (August 2017). Sail labels are not sold to individual sailors or parents.
Please read the Class Rules on the subject: G.2.3 ROYALTY LABEL OR BUTTON.
The ICCA was one of the early adopters of World Sailing’s In House Certification (IHC) program. For sailors this means they can buy certified equipment, knowing it is ready to race. More information on participating sailmakers can be found here. The ICCA of course also caters to the needs of non-IHC sailmakers. Traditionally these sailmakers have a working relationship with local or national measurers to get the sails properly certified.
To answer a popular question: no, we do not certify sails at “measurement” at a World Championship. This form of “measurement” is in fact equipment control: sails and other equipment is checked whether it complies with the class rules. For sails this means that the sails are certified, that they comply with the correct measurements and that the sail numbers are applied correctly.
*) Excluding shipping and handling costs (currently [2024] at €20 per shipment).